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Our Fleet › Forums › Public Lounge › Recruitment Academy › Application for starwarsownstrek
Main character’s name: Feugan@starwarsownstrek (FED, Tactical)
Real Name: Garret
Age: 25
Location: US East Coast
Alt character names: Thrawn@starwarsownstrek (KDF, Engineer)
Are you Silver/gold/ or Lifetime?: Silver atm but about to resub
Tell us about yourself: I am an avid sci-fi fan and huge mmo player. Im still a little bit new to the game but I learn quickly because of the variety of mmos i’ve played over the years.
Why did you choose the Mighty 44th: I started playing the game early on but started getting irritated by all the bugs so I took a break for awhile; when i came back the fleet I was in had long since disbanded so I tried checking out a bunch of different fleets. Having joined random fleets I started to get annoyed by the fleets I was encountering since most of them just spam invites and end up with immature players. I randomly stumbled across a video on youtube ‘Star Trek Online 44th Fleet Recruitment’ and it really caught my interest so I looked you guys up.
Have you read the rules: Yes
Are you willing to use Teamspeak?: Yes
Welcome to the fleet … I see lat must have alredy sent out ur invite.
But I just wanted to say …. @starwarsownstrek IT SO DOES NOT!!!! Trek kicks Wars Butt so hard!!
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