Application for StarTrekManiac2

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Recruitment Academy Application for StarTrekManiac2

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  • Author
  • #439482
    Fleet Member
    • Real name: Christopher
    • Age: 30
    • Location: Wales, UK
    • Characters: (Fed) Christopher Hill@StarTrekManiac2 , (Fed) Jara Rydek@StarTrekManiac2
    • Previous fleets:
    • Why join the Mighty 44th? I know that the 44th is a long-running and established fleet and I’ve seen many players under that banner around the galaxy. I am seeking a no-pressure Fleet that respects every member’s playstyle, including those of us that are less social than the average MMO player. I want to get back into the grind of the game but no player can do that without a Fleet to support, offload DoFFs and Fleet Marks, etc, and are cut off from the rewards and opportunities being in a Fleet can bring. I don’t want to join ANY fleet, I want to join a friendly, open, reputable and long-running fleet like the 44th!
    • Tell us about yourself: I’m a solo player and gamer in general. I have been part of a fleet whose name I forgot but I cleared my friends list and left the fleet due to being unable to play the game for some time until recently. I’m a long time player, lifetime subscriber to STO since it’s PC release and my main character (Christopher) has been around for most of that time. I may not be social when it comes to gaming and I won’t pretend otherwise when it comes to MMO’s, but I live for Star Trek and whether it’s an MMO or an open-world game, if it has Star Trek in the name I enjoy it. I don’t care much for meta-gaming, I prefer to be immersed in a more ‘realistic’ experience when it comes to games and that includes my STO character who prefers to stick to the standard phasers, photons, and the coolest Starfleet ship available, the Avenger Class! My other character is Jara Rydek from Star Trek Resurgence, she is a bit older, more experienced and her adventure continues in STO.
    • Do you accept the rules and regulations? Yes
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