Hello this is my application for the fleet:
Main character’s name: Ryuune@Ryuune85
Real Name Sabrina
Age: 35
Location Italy:
Are you Silver/gold/ or Lifetime?: Used to be gold, now silver
Tell us about yourself: Been playing Star Trek online on and off for over a year now, i recently got hooked up again and i am discovering all the changes season 6 and 7 introduced. I am a casual star trek fan, I know a lot of things about the universe but I am not an expert.
Why did you choose the Mighty 44th: I am looking for a big and organized fleet and 44th seem to be one
Have you read the rules Yes
Are you willing to use Teamspeak?: Yes (english is not my main lauguage, but i can manage a bit)
Hope to join the fleet and see you all in game.