Application for OrcSoul

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Recruitment Academy Application for OrcSoul

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  • #153930
    Fleet Member

    Main character’s name: Kaanite@orcsoul

    Real Name (first name only): Charles

    Age: 30

    Location (at least time zone): Texas

    Are you Silver/gold/ or Lifetime?: LTS

    Tell us about yourself (trek/game history, whatever you want us to know about you):
    Started STO ~3 years ago shortly after it’s initial cryptic release. Flew with the ADF for 2-3 months at that time and achieved a L44 Tac character. Burnt out on the game though and took a long hiatus. Just came back to see what all has changed and am re-discovering a lot of the things I loved.

    Why did you choose the Mighty 44th:
    At present I feel it’s as much about me figuring out if I want to choose you guys as much as you wanting to choose me. The only way to really determine that is through exposure to one another. Beyond that, you have established yourselves as a sort of fixture in STO in that you have been around for quite some time, and that sense of stability is what drew me.

    Have you read the rules?: Affirmative

    Are you willing to use Teamspeak?: Affirmative

    Admiral (Retired)
    Team Player

    Thanks for applying to the 44th.

    A fleet invite has been sent. You should receive it the next time you log in. In the meantime, please see this thread for info about the fleet and how to join the private fleet channel:

    Welcome aboard!

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