Application for Nike

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Recruitment Academy Application for Nike

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  • Author
  • #438978
    • Real name: Nik
    • Age: 17
    • Location: California
    • Characters: KDF Drago@Bkhuber
    • Previous fleets:
    • Why join the Mighty 44th? I want to start playing STO more frequentley but I also want to be part of a community that has a large player base so I can team up with others and develope a better character and account myself.
    • Tell us about yourself: I have been playing STO since I was 7 with my dad, and I just recently fell back into playing and trying to get better. I am still in school but I try to make time for not only playing sports but also playing things that I enjoy.
    • Do you accept the rules and regulations? Yes
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Nik.

    Jolan Tru, Nik

    Thank you for applying for membership with the 44th Fleet!  Its wonderful to see that Star Trek Online is enjoyed by folks of all ages but unfortunately, the 44th Fleet is for ages 18 and up.  So with a heavy heart, we must decline your application at this time.

    We do have a number of fleets in our Armada here that may be interested in bringing you on board.  You can search for these or other fleets by pressing “O” in game and select the “Find Fleet” tab.  You can search for a particular fleet and then press the “Details” button to see if anyone is online from that particular fleet.

    Additionally, you can search the Forums here: for fleets who are looking for new members.

    Anyway, I hope that helps some and good luck with your search.

    We do hope you’ll consider us again in the future.

    Most Sincerely,



    Peace and Long Life

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