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Our Fleet › Forums › Public Lounge › Recruitment Academy › Application for nesherlavan
Main Character Name: T’Sevti@nesherlavan
Real Name: Clifton
Age: 41
Location: Salt Lake Area (Mountain Time Zone -7 GMT)
Membership: Gold
Trivia: I’ve played the Starfleet Command games, Bridge Commander & Away Team. I’ve
seen every episode of Star Trek at least 3 times and of course the movies
many times. Even read a few books. In RL I love to hike, camp and fly kites.
Why the 44th?: I’m looking for a friendly, casual fleet and it seems the 44th is it. Plus the
website looks sharp.
The Rules: Yes, I’ve read them. Simple and straightforward; I like that.
Teamspeak: Yes, I’d be willing to use it but sometimes I can’t; baby in the house.
aka @nesherlavan
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