Application for MajorAngel

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Recruitment Academy Application for MajorAngel

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  • Author
  • #438999
    Damien Edwards
    Fleet Member
    • Real name: Damien
    • Age: 32
    • Location: United Kingdom
    • Characters: MajorAngel@MajorEvil#69182 fed
    • Previous fleets: 501st mu epsilon
    • Why join the Mighty 44th? because I would seriously after all the hard work I do during the day at work, would like to sit at my pc, kick ass and chew bubble-gum and I am all out of gum…
    • Tell us about yourself: so I work at the supermarket on produce, refilling all the heavy crates of potato’s, onions, citrus, blah blah blah all day. means I don’t have to go to the gym but…the hours I get sometimes for all the heavy lifting I do…uggggghhhhhh….yuck. also used to play games hardcore and played almost every game you can think of but…I cant do that anymore, it will kill my eyes.
    • Do you accept the rules and regulations? Yes
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