Application for Gurx

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Recruitment Academy Application for Gurx

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  • #154158
    Fleet Member


    Main Character’s Name: Gurx Sre’kyn @gurx — KDF Klingon Level 11

    Real Name: Marcus

    Age: 34

    Location: Dallas/Ft.Worth, Texas Central Time

    No Other Characters at this time

    Gold Status

    I’m not going to lie, I’m a Star Wars nerd. But I became a fan of TNG when it was on and have always liked the Original Movies. I’ve only seen a handful of the original tv episodes. I really like the two new movies and loved what they did with the Kahn story. But I’m no where near being referred to as a Trekkie. I don’t know that much. lol

    As far as MMO’s, I played Star Wars Galaxies (SWG) for about 5 years and thoroughly enjoyed it. I played Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) for a couple of years and enjoyed it as well. As far as STO: I wanted to do the FTP and check it out. I like the layout of the ground game play and have overly enjoyed the space layout and it’s game play. I upgraded my acct to a paid subscription yesterday to have access to more of the game’s features. There’s still a lot that I’m learning about the basics of this game. I have found that my ships of choice are the Bird Of Preys because I like the cloaking aspect. I really enjoyed my time in SWG as a spy and loved doing espionage type missions while pvping. Also, scoping out the enemies who are on their last limb, coming out of the shadows, hitting them hard and returning to the shadows. That’s the type of space combat player I would like to be.

    As far as personally: I am a huge hockey fan. I play in an adult hockey “beer” league on Saturday nights and coach an adult instruction team as well on Friday nights. I study Astronomy and spend some nights stargazing through my 10″ reflector. (Big Ten Inch……yeah yeah) And occasionally I write poetry which I put on my FB poetry page. I work 6 days a week till 7pm Central time and usually aren’t able to get online until about 9:30-10. Usually I like to get in about 3-4 hours of game time M-Th. And Friday, Saturday and Sundays vary.

    Basically, I chose the 44th Fleet after reviewing this website. I was approached by a few others who were trying to recruit me as well but I have found this Fleet to be more appropriate. I like what’s written in the rules and regulations and have been pleased with the organization of this site. I am hoping to be able to make a difference.

    As stated, I have read the Rules and Regs and fully accept and understand them. And I am willing to use Teamspeak though I’m not much of a chatterbox.

    Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to hearing back.

    Good day.

    Captain Gurx Sre’kyn
    I.K.S. Zurc Atnas

    Admiral (Retired)
    Team Player


    Welcome to the 44th Assault squadron. Your fleet invite has been sent, and you should receive it the next time you log in. In the meantime, please see this thread for more info about the fleet. You will also find info on joining our private chat channel.

    Welcome aboard and see you online!

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