Application for Furciferi

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Recruitment Academy Application for Furciferi

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  • Author
  • #438931
    • Real name: Reese
    • Age: 28
    • Location: GMT 0 (UK)
    • Characters: Daxin Freeborn@posiedonswrath (FED), Poseidon@posiedonswrath (FED), Kronos@posiedonswrath(KDF), Furciferi@posiedonswrath (FED), Furciferi@posiedonswrath (FED), Blagard@posiedonswrath (FED), Khalladin@posiedonswrath (FED)
    • Previous fleets: None/ maybe many many years ago and cant remember the fleet
    • Why join the Mighty 44th? Want to get back into STO, have returned a few times but now I have a regular hours job and can play most evenings.

      In all the reddit/site posts 44th was the friendliest and the most helpful.

    • Tell us about yourself: Im an Astronomer and Data Scientist. Recently settled into a torpedo dump. Looking to support/play more of STO from a team perspective rather than jumping into Random TFOs. I have a bunch of accounts having played off and on for probably nearly 10-12 years? But have sunk a good 100hours into my main account now.

      I did change my handle with cryptic but its sometimes showing as my old and sometimes as my new – no idea why it does it.

    • Do you accept the rules and regulations? Yes
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