Application for derronstrax

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Recruitment Academy Application for derronstrax

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  • Author
  • #439769
    Fleet Member
    • Real name: Marcel
    • Age: 41
    • Location: Germany
    • Characters: Strax@derronstrax#3541 (FED) ; Linda@derronstrax#3541 (FED)
    • Previous fleets: None
    • Why join the Mighty 44th? I started STO in March or April of this year. When the Summer Event came along, someone posted the fleet’s Summer Event Guide on Reddit, which was very helpful and informative. Afterwards I tend to see members of the fleet on Risa during the event and sometimes in Event TFOs since. Almost every time someone on Redit asks about joining a fleet, the mighty 44th is mentioned. From what I have read there and on the webpage (and public areas of the forums), the fleet seems a great fit for a casual player like me.
    • Tell us about yourself: I am a software developer and a fan of Sci-Fi and Fantasy pretty equally. Doctor Who, Star Trek, Mass Effect, LotR, Warhammer, Warcraft . Though I have to admit, I only did my deep dive into Star Trek last year, after rewatching TNG and DS9 for the first time since it aired on German free TV 20?? years ago. Still amazing. My favorite Star Trek Series is DS9.
      I play STO casually, I think, but with the release of the Royal Flush TFOs, and seeing other people obliterating those Borg, I think I am getting the bug to start DPS chasing.
    • Do you accept the rules and regulations? Yes
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