Why join the Mighty 44th? I have played this game off and on for years, but never stuck with it. I finally have a character and ship that I enjoy playing, have levelled up successfully, and now I am realizing how little I know. I want a community where I can learn and grow, and use that knowledge to benefit the Fleet.
Tell us about yourself: Hi, I’m Joe! I have been a lifelong Star Trek fan. I used to actually run email and IRC sims back in the day, which were a lot of fun. I don’t have a lot of time to play, but I do try to get on in the evenings after my son guys to bed, and more on the weekends. I almost always play Tanks in games, and STO is no exception. My play style is very much “Never mind maneuvers, just go straight at ̓em!” with phasers blazing and shields absorbing.