Application for BronzeFlare

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Recruitment Academy Application for BronzeFlare

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  • #154175
    Fleet Member

    Main character’s name: Jack@BronzeFlare
    Real Name: Jack
    Age: 18
    Location): South Carolina U.S. Eastern Coastal Time
    Alt character names: R.R.W. Kunell@BronzeFlare
    Are you Silver/gold/ or Lifetime?: Silver, but plan to be a member soon.
    Tell us about yourself: I have always been a moderate fan of Star Trek but have recently started to get really into it, i decided to give STO a try and figured it would be a lame free to play, i was completely wrong, STO it the best free to play that i have seen to date, the game designers did a wonderful job on the game mechanics, and i plan on being a loyal player from now on.
    Why did you choose the Mighty 44th: The realistic name caught my eye initially but saw that your fleet was actually well built and well structured, you guys run a well organised group and i would enjoy to be a part of it.
    Have you read the rules: Yes i have read the Rules and regulation.
    Are you willing to use Teamspeak?: Yes, of course.

    Admiral (Retired)
    Team Player


    I tried contacting you in game, but you didn’t respond to my private messages, and you turned down my team invite. It really helps to keep you chat window open. If you don’t like zone chat, you can always set it to off, but still allow private messages and what not. Anyway, see this thread on how to join our private chat. Then we can get you invited.

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