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January 7, 2013 at 8:20 pm #153820
Fleet MemberCharater Handel: Effance@Araria-Wellingtom
Name: DJ
Time Zone GMT -6
Race, Gender: Human, Male
Age 23
Game Rank: VA 50I joined STO as a silver when the game went free to play in college. I’ve run fleet actions, but I’ve little practice in the ground parts. I’ve 36 hours on Steam over the past year. I don’t intend to be on much in the coming year, as I’m working as a teacher in Central America. The internet connection here is week and the voice chatting is difficult.
I’d like to join the 44th in order to participate in the Starbase aspect of the game. The 44th seemed like it povided an environment that didn’t oblige a regular gaming schedule. I’ve my eye set on the Fleet Science Vessel, a use for all the Data Samples I have piling up in my bank, and a place to put the XI and XII items I acquire. I’d rather put them is a bank than sell them for trinket energy credits. I won’t be able to participate much in fleet actions or events, due to my job, but I’d love to pitch in on fleet projects, help out with items, and maybe RP amid the stars.
Name: Araria Erikson Effance
Rank: Captain, Ambassador in SFDC
Race, Gender: Human, Female
Place of Birth: Triton Colony, SolI began my career as in Starfleet at age 27 with my first science assignment: lab equipment quartermaster on the USS Faulkner (Nova Class, Long term sector observation, Outer Beta Quadrant). I received commendation for my initiative in arranging a council of 3 Non-Federation science teams (including a team from the Romulan vessel “Chaperell”) in the exchange of data and data analysis software. At the end of the 3 year long mission I was promoted to Lieutenant and accepted a 4 year position heading the exogeomorphology research in the old Cardassian territories working in close coordination with Cardassian scientists under Gul Hutra.
After a 2 year training assignment on the USS Wallowa (Miranda Class, Delta Vernes Survey Missions), I took a 5 year command of the USS Tien Shan (Nova Class, Globular Cluster Surveys and UFDC observations). Notable achievements include Scientific Liaison and First Contact work with the Ce-Frasus, Molholt, Turtine cultures, First cartographic mapping of a Lorren type nebula, and commendation at the Battles of Aqila Ross 342 and Aquila Ross Turtin.
All good things must end. At the conclusion of the assignment, I was given the position of 1st officer on the USS Commonwealth (Constellation class, Romulan Neutral Zone crisis response) after the death of the bridge crew at Shafar IV. I served Captain He’zir for 2 years in the “cat juggling” of Neutral Zone worlds after the destruction of Romulus.
I was offered the chair of the USS Zumwalt (Galaxy class, Romulan Front) and there continued a 3 year Starfleet response mission in Romulan Space. The USS Zumwalt participated in fleet actions in the RNZ at Borreliel and Ka’zar, earning a commendation from the New Romulan Senate. She is also notable for surviving a, shall we say, determined plasma torpedo salvo followed by a protracted test of backup life support systems at Ka’zat I.
In recognition of my work across the Federation, I was transferred, with my bridge crew to the USS Alder (Odyssey Class, UFDC) at her commissioning. She has been in the service of the UFDC for the past 3 years as a mobile embassy, mostly in scientific exchanges near Cardassian Space. Also notable is the Alder’s logistical and diplomatic support of OMEGA in the Delta Quadrant.
The Alder is a fine ship, but I do not lead ships. I lead crews. The captains job is to coordinate the actions of the experts in her chairs. I’d redicant to leave the Alder, but her chair is a little too comfortable. I’d prefer to be again in a real ship at the edge of the Federation, heading out, sails full.
Have you read the rules : Yes, bank privlages are tied to fleet rank.
Are you willing to use Teamspeak?: Not anytime soon, I have neither the connection nor the living situation for it.January 7, 2013 at 9:33 pm #157463Thanks for applying to the 44th.
A fleet invite has been sent, and you should receive it when you log in. In the meantime, please see this thread for info about the fleet and how to join the private fleet channel:
http://startrek.44thfleet.com/forum/index.php?f=12&t=30&rb_v=viewtopicWelcome aboard
January 7, 2013 at 12:04 am #157464Araria-Wellingtom
Fleet MemberThank you Capt. The Alder in inbound to the Starbase. Notify your bank opps that there are some materials inbound, and have a very happy new year.
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