Application – Arawn’Aun

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Recruitment Academy Application – Arawn’Aun

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  • #154257
    Fleet Member

    Main character’s name: Arawn’Aun@Arawn-Aun (FED)
    Real Name (first name only): Jay
    Age: 32
    Location (at least time zone): CST
    Alt character names (and please indicate Fed or KDF): Kiamei@Arawn-Aun (FED), Kor’Aun@Arawn-Aun (KDF)
    Are you Silver/gold/ or Lifetime?: Lifetime

    Tell us about yourself (trek/game history, whatever you want us to know about you): Gaming history is pretty extensive it’s been one of my main hobbies for at least 15 years. Enjoy things like Ice Hockey and football. Between family and friends have a few lab mixes that I unrepentant spoil, or so i’m told. Have an old CJ i’m very slowly learning to rebuild so i can relive my high school days of taking it off-road.

    Why did you choose the Mighty 44th: Relatively newly returned to the game, and I’ve found finding a fleet to be challenging compared to other games. The 44th seems active, competent and while i’m not a roll player per say I deeply enjoy immersion and this fleet seems respectful of that as well.

    Have you read the rules (the rules and regulations are located under the ‘About Us’ tab at the top): Affirmative
    Rules: … &Itemid=57

    Are you willing to use Teamspeak?: I’m perfectly willing to use TS for any fleet events. Big believer in voip for it’s coordination and social benefits. I do however want to be clear i’m not big on just sitting when not actively participating. My hope is that the 44th does not require constant or near constant connection to TS to be considered a ‘full’ member.

    Fleet Member

    Wanted to add a short note… A great deal of time my ‘in game’ time is with the game minimized in the background while i’m doing other things. Probably 90% of it actually. In the event i miss a communication this will likely be the reason, and i apologize in advance.

    Fleet Member

    @ArawnAun wrote:

    Wanted to add a short note… A great deal of time my ‘in game’ time is with the game minimized in the background while i’m doing other things. Probably 90% of it actually. In the event i miss a communication this will likely be the reason, and i apologize in advance.

    Honesty… Respect.

    I do the same thing lol

    Admiral (Retired)
    Team Player

    Thanks for applying to the 44th.

    Your invites have been sent except for your fed alt. For some reason, it gave me an error when I tried to invite him. Let us know next time you are logged in with your alt, and we can get him invited. In the meantime, see this thread on how to join our private chat channel.

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