Application for DariusSoong

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Recruitment Academy Application for DariusSoong

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  • Author
  • #440083
    Darius Soong
    Fleet Member
    • Real name: Kris
    • Age: 48
    • Location: Ireland (GMT kind of)
    • Characters: Primary: Zephram Crusher. Current Secondary: Chef Corvus (Disco Terran)
    • Previous fleets: Have a personal Fleet: PUNCH FASCISTS
    • Why join the Mighty 44th? Used to be the XO of a Fleet way beck after FTP went live. Have been bouncing around and am now too old for bull.
    • Tell us about yourself: Actor and award winning screenwriter and producer. I have PTSD, chronic pain and depression and parental grief. Too much pain to put up with entitlement. Honestly looking for a fleet that’s run by and for humans that give a damn about the Universe created by Gene. Held an Oscar the same day I saw Gene Rodenberry’s Office and the sound stage The Next Generation was filmed in. Met a couple of the prop makers and have a selfie with a Phaser maker from the Voyager days. I love Star Trek. Just wish we could get there without WWIII. Married to an Astrophysicist.
    • Do you accept the rules and regulations? Yes
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