Application for valerian88

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Recruitment Academy Application for valerian88

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  • Author
  • #439927
    Fleet Member
    • Real name: Greg
    • Age: 60s
    • Location: Australia (UTC +11)
    • Characters: Romulan Fed aligned. Enriov Mrian t’Vrirehu@valerian88; Riov Reuben ir-Aihai@valerian88; Enarrain Jam’zhar@valerian88; Aendeh T’Shalkie@valerian88
    • Previous fleets: Colonial Alliance (fractured in internal conflict); Imperial Romulan Fleet (punted after inactive period)
    • Why join the Mighty 44th? Looking to join a casual, laid back, no obligations community and ready to help with marks and dil to level up as needed. I spent over 3000 hours back in 2013-14 grinding up a couple of fleets and doing projects. Not so much since then and only came back to the game recently. If I can help out, I will.
    • Tell us about yourself: Married and now retired, I’m only a casual player and despite time in game, more a slogger than a star. I often lonewolf when I have my own projects and sometimes need to be offline for extended periods due to real life priorities so the flexibility in the fleet will be greatly appreciated. I am Romulan focused, being a particular fan of TNG, DS9, ST:Picard in recent times and the work of Diane Duane on Romulan lore: if you happen to think my own character names look a little convuluted it’s because they’re from some old fanfiction of mine still lying around the web somewhere. Look forward to seeing you in game.
    • Do you accept the rules and regulations? Yes
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