Application for Ryath

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Recruitment Academy Application for Ryath

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  • Author
  • #439877
    Fleet Member
    • Real name: Chris
    • Age: 40
    • Location: Columbus, OH
    • Characters: Taen@Ryath
    • Previous fleets: N/A
    • Why join the Mighty 44th? I’ve been playing on and off (mostly off) since before release (I still have my Collector’s Edition box even), and have always wanted to find a like-minded group of people to play with. The 44th not only seems to have the knowledge and passion, but the community to support it.
    • Tell us about yourself: Lifelong gamer and collector from the Midwest of the United States. I am a Product professional by trade/necessity who has a degree in Early Modern European History.

      I’d grown up around a fervent “Trekkie” who in many ways colored the Trek franchise in a weird light for me, but this was counter-balanced by my grandmother who watched TNG, Voyager, and DS9. When I was in college I had a chance to take a History of Science Fiction class and it really put things in a different framing for me and eased me into the franchise.

    • Do you accept the rules and regulations? Yes
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