Application for Bindolaf

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Recruitment Academy Application for Bindolaf

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  • Author
  • #439716
    Fleet Member
    • Real name: Terry
    • Age: 49
    • Location: Germany
    • Characters: @bindolaf2810 FED
    • Previous fleets: None
    • Why join the Mighty 44th? Playing an online game alone is rather lonely. STO seems to be mostly single-player – at least at my level – but I always try to join guilds. I am not very regular and I may or may not play the game for long, but I’d still like to join others when possible. Also, having some guidance will probably be beneficial, the game can be confusing.
    • Tell us about yourself: What is there to say? I am middle-aged, professional, married. When I have time, I play games sometimes. I do love Star Trek, so this seems like a good fit. I do not like Discord, I don’t feel like chatting all the time, but I am always open for it. Never feel like you can’t talk to me.
    • Do you accept the rules and regulations? Yes

    Hi Terry,

    I messaged you on Discord, but wanted to reach out here too. You have your handle, but no toon names listed. We’ll need those to invite your toons into the in-game fleet.


    Fleet Member

    Oh hi. Sorry, I never check Discord. My toon is Bedford, human, Federation. I will be gone for a week on holiday, so no rush. Thank you.

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