Application for Kynslayer

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Recruitment Academy Application for Kynslayer

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  • Author
  • #439596
    Uncle Rick
    Fleet Member

    Real name: Rick

    Age: 54

    Location: Eastern US

    Characters: Kelly O’Ryan@kynslayer (TOS Fed) and Coreru@kynslayer (KDF)

    Previous fleets: None

    Why join the Mighty 44th? I’m a new player who was brought in here kicking and screaming by a friend who is a member of your ranks and she speaks very highly of you.  Basically, I am looking for a home in this game I am beginning to enjoy, and the home she is in looks like a good one.

    Tell us about yourself:  Well, I’m a decent, hardworking older dude who likes to game, especially with my friends in my spare time.  Jaxx and Jinx, my 2 owners…er…cats, are the lifeline between me and my sanity.

    Do you accept the rules and regulations? Yes

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