Application for brjvmpr

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Recruitment Academy Application for brjvmpr

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  • Author
  • #439581
    Fleet Member
    • Real name: John
    • Age: 55
    • Location: Washington – Pacific
    • Characters: Yuzin@brjvmpr – UFP; Torgh@brjvmpr – KDF; Gaarin@brjvmpr – UFP; Jalal@brjvmpr – Romulan (Ally of Federation); Twenty-Six@brjvmpr – UFP
    • Previous fleets: None
    • Why join the Mighty 44th? I have been reading up on The 44th Fleet, here on your site and I really like what I have read. I appreciate the relaxed and friendly feel as well as the need for RL to come first.
    • Tell us about yourself: I am a long time gamer, which include STO, SWOTOR, LOTRO, BG3, Diablo…many others. My first game I ever played was Pong…yeah, I am old. LOL. I am a relaxed guy that likes to play games in my free time. I have played STO for a long time, but was absent for a few years due to some personal RL issues. Now I am back and relearning how to play. I am a shy guy, but I do talk when I need to.
    • Do you accept the rules and regulations? Yes

    Hi John,

    Your toon named “Torgh@brjvmpr” could not be invited due to an error. Can you confirm the spelling of the name, or log onto them again and let us know when you have. Those are the two most common reasons for the error I received when sending the invite.

    Your Friendly Neighborhood Frarry

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