Application for RSulema

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Recruitment Academy Application for RSulema

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  • Author
  • #438594
    Fleet Member
    • Real name: ROBERT
    • Age: 39
    • Location: Cork, IRELAND
    • Characters: Jukar@rsulema01#8031 [FED] Tiana@rsulema01#8031 – [FED] T’lann@rsulema01#8031 [FED] Dallan@rsulema01#8031 [FED] Alex black@rsulema01#8031 [FED] K’tara@rsulema01#8031 [KDF] Quajunpaq@rsulema01#8031 [KDF] Aensai@rsulema01#8031 [KDF] Durran@rsulema01#8031 [KDF] Axum@rsulema01#8031 [KDF]
    • Previous fleets:
    • Why join the Mighty 44th? After playing STO for several years now I am looking for a well organized fleet. I’m tired of the random invites to fleets that are “pay to advance” and after some searching – and seeing your members in TFO and EVENTS I found your website and decided to apply. For the longest time I had just one main and didn’t even think about alts. As you can see now I have multiple chars and would love to get them all to my idea of a “max”. I know that this will take time and effort, but that precisely is the part I love.
    • Tell us about yourself: Currently working as a restaurant manager, and taking classes in HR management. While I live in Ireland I’m originally from Croatia, so if I misspell something in a chat… sorry. I have been a huge Star Trek fan since forever, and do not miss any new version of it (good or bad).

      I have become quite good and knowledgeable in my particular playstyle, whish if I have to describe in a nutshell: Flying SAD fortress. I hope I can contribute to your fleet and make some new friend in the meantime.

    • Do you accept the rules and regulations? Yes
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