Application for Luke

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Recruitment Academy Application for Luke

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  • Author
  • #438398
    Fleet Member
    • Real name: Lukas
    • Age: 21
    • Location: Austria, EU
    • Characters: Luke@luckley#2828 – FED, Engineer
    • Previous fleets: I don´t know the name anymore, since I had a ~4 year STO break and left, when I stopped playing.
    • Why join the Mighty 44th? I want to join an active fleet, that already has at least Tier 2 holdings, so I can grind for the consoles and dps.
      Of course, I´m gonna contribute to the holdings or fleet bank with some items I don´t really need, so someone else can pick them up.
      Furthermore, it´s always good to have some advanced active players that you can talk to since I´m currently trying to get back into the game.
    • Tell us about yourself: I am a sci-fi fan since I was 10 and generally like space, space exploration and the science surrounding it.

      I´m currently working in an insurance company but will attend a university starting in October.

    • Do you accept the rules and regulations? Yes
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