The 3rd Fleet International

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Embassies The 3rd Fleet International

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  • #153433
    Admiral (Retired)
    Team Player

    Embassy Open

    Diplomatic Homepage:

    The 3rd Fleet International Embassy

    Embassy for the 3rd Fleet International is now open.

    Edited By: Latinumbar
    Dec-25-09 23:54:39
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    Dec-24-09 21:47:49
    Crystal Dayra

    Re: The 3rd Fleet International Embassy

    Greetings agian,

    I must say i like the look of your new site alot. I must apologize that i didn’t get registered here sooner admiral,but I was abit distracted over the last couple of weeks because we were in the process of an upgrade ourselves.

    I’m proud to announce that we completed our site upgrade late last night and I hope you take the time to check it out yourself. We still have much to do as far as adding content, but the upgrade in and of itself has added alot of new features and utilities to our site for us to use, and we hope you check them out

    Other than that we look forward to seeing you and your fleet in open beta when it opens early January, and we at 3rd fleet would like to wish you and your members a solid “Happy Holidays” from the bottom of our hearts.

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    Dec-24-09 21:57:21

    Re: The 3rd Fleet International Embassy

    Thank you for stopping by, Admiral. Always a pleasure to see you. I’ll be sure to check out your upgraded site as well.

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    Dec-25-09 23:57:21

    Re: The 3rd Fleet International Embassy

    Clarification on 3rd Fleet:

    Some of you may have noticed that there are 2 separate “3rd Fleets” on the STO forums. They are actually 2 different fleets. We have an alliance with only 1 of them. I’ve copied their message below. If you are bumping their thread, please make sure you are bumping the right one. The one we are allied with is NOT the one that is part of “Federation of Fleets”.

    we’re actually 2 seperate fleets, our 3rd fleet was originally formed first as a german only fleet, then Chris Renyolds (of the other fleet) formed his later on. We’ve been aware of each other since the start but never got too concerned about it since we were german and they were english however a few months ago we opened our english division which left us in the current situation.

    Under our current deal with the other 3rd fleet, We retain 3rd Fleet as our full name and their 3rd fleet will be appending the prefix “Starfleet:” as in “Starfleet:3rd Fleet”

    To help avoid confusion we’ve been adding “(international)” at the end of our fleet name for the time being but will be droping that once we organize in STO

    Our correct post on the STO website is threw the following link
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    Jan-17-10 05:15:17
    Crystal Dayra

    Re: The 3rd Fleet International Embassy

    Greetings agian 44th. I hope everyone at the 44th had a good time during the holidays. Gosh it seems like forever since I last checked in here and I hope all is going well and that your members are enjoying open beta. 3rd Fleet has indeed formed in Open beta agian and our member base is growing rapidly as ever. Our French and German divisions are growing by leaps and bounds and our english division is getting its fair share of members to boot.

    I can only hope things are going great aswell for our friends here at the 44th, I hope to see you in game sometime altho I’ve been extremely swamped as of late (as usual) and havn’t had a chance to do much more than the tutorial mission agian, I dought i’ll be able to get back to lvl 21 like I was in closed beta before the wype =P but oh well, there will be plenty of time for leveling once the game goes live i suppose.

    If you require any assistance on anything please feel free to call. My email is

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    Jan-22-10 17:23:20
    Kiana Zaan

    Re: The 3rd Fleet International Embassy

    HAI! Im Kiana. Crystals XO of PR. Im the more good looking version of her
    Im here because she asked me to

    Ill be keeping an eye on things here

    So..ill need access to things..?
    Ok thank you

    Love Kiana xx

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    May-30-10 15:03:26
    Rhys Delta

    Re: The 3rd Fleet International Embassy

    Hello Iam DCIC of 3rd Fleet

    Iam just saying hello and letting you know we are still out there

    Kiana has resigned from 3rd Fleet and there for all Diplomacy Discussions are between myself and crystal.

    Any questions feel free to ask.

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    May-31-10 11:10:41

    Re: The 3rd Fleet International Embassy

    Thank you, Admiral. Welcome to our site. Please make yourself at home.

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    Jun-24-10 16:53:10

    Re: The 3rd Fleet International Embassy

    Greetings from 3rd Fleet!

    I would like to introduce myself, you already know 3rd Fleet International and of course Crystal (Head of Public Relations) and Nicole (Head Event Organiser).

    I am Eddieboi, the newly appointed joint XO of Public Relations and Event Organising, so I will be working very closely with Crystal and Nicole in continuing the relationship that 3rd Fleet has with you both diplomatically and future coming events etc.

    If you have any questions, feel free to post them here or just PM on your forums or our forums (I check forums regularly when I can).

    I look forward to meeting more of you and getting to know 44th Fleet


    Commodore Eddieboi – 3rd Fleet Public Relations & Event Organising

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    Jun-24-10 16:57:35

    Re: The 3rd Fleet International Embassy

    Greetings, Commodore.

    Welcome to our site. Please make yourself at home.

    Thank you for the welcome Admiral Latinumber.

    If anyone that needs to contact me ingame my ingame handle is Eddieboi@Eddieboi

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    Jun-28-10 12:07:12

    Re: The 3rd Fleet International Embassy

    Greetings again 44th Fleet.

    I was wondering if the necessary permissions have been given to me to allow me to open discussions about possible future Joint Fleet events between 3rd and 44th Fleet.

    Feel free to PM me on here, or pop over to our forums at and you can either PM me there or pop into my Officer


    Commodore Eddieboi – 3rd Fleet Public Relations & Event Organiser XO

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    Jul-08-10 14:31:03

    Re: The 3rd Fleet International Embassy

    Hello 44th Fleet, I come by to say Hi again after your member Latinumbar very kindly popped over to our forums to reply and I did receive their PM.

    I would like to arrange a meeting with possibly one of your diplomats to represent as a Event Liaison between 3rd Fleet and 44th Fleet, as you already know I am both the Public Relations XO to Crystal and External Fleet Events Manager XO to Nicole so I have a dual role!

    I live in the UK so my time zone is of couse GMT+0, so if we could possible agree on a time and date for a meeting that would be great! I look forward to talking to your representative and I hope we can come out with a few good beneficial ideas. I look forward to continuing the friendship between our Fleets.

    Commodore Eddieboi

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    Oct-17-10 06:11:18

    Re: The 3rd Fleet International Embassy

    Hi 44th Fleet, I come here to re-open our relationship with your Fleet as not much contact as been made. How is everything with 44th?

    We here at 3rd Fleet wish to pursue beneficial relationship between our two fleets in regards to doing Joint Fleet Events etc.

    Feel free to contact me on our forums or on here

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    Jan-27-11 16:07:19

    Re: The 3rd Fleet International Embassy

    Hello 44th Fleet, I hope you are all well since the starting of 2011!

    I come here to re-engage our Fleets relationship and to hopefully if possible organise a Joint Fleet Event!

    My ingame handle name is Eddieboi@Eddieboi, or email me at or contact me on our forums at

    Also could I ask but who are your current Ambassadors for 44th Fleet so that I may put a record down.

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    Jan-30-11 16:46:44

    Re: The 3rd Fleet International Embassy

    Greetings Eddieboi,

    Glad to see you visiting us again. A joint activity sounds like fun. What did you have in mind? Fleet action, STF? Let us know. For now, you can put me down as 44th fleet contact.

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    Yesterday 16:35:49

    Re: The 3rd Fleet International Embassy

    Hello Admiral Latinumbar. 3rd Fleet would be interested in both PvE content i.e FAs or even several TFs, and some friendly PvP!

    I have added you as the 44th Fleet Ambassador. Feel free to pop over again to your Fleet’s Embassy.

    Do you have TS? If so could we swap TS details to enable better communications.

    If you or any 44th Fleet Diplomats need to contact me here is my handle name – Eddieboi@Eddieboi.

    I also have two External Affairs Officers you may contact if I am not on, Cmdr Riftweasel & Viktor


    Good Day there 44th, let me start by saying who I am. My name is Minnow and I am Global XO for 3rdfleet I have Eddies old Job lol. We are looking into starting up relations again with some of our older fleets. if you could drop by our fleet site this will allow us to see if you are around or not. i will check back to this post latter on.


    Hello 44th Fleet,

    Admiral Minnrow Valor has had to step down as 3rd Fleets Ambassador for personal reasons.

    I am a long time member of 3rd Fleet and have just returned to the game after a period away. I have now taken up the position of 3rd Fleets Ambassador.

    I thought I would introduce myself and say hi. I look forward to working with 44th Fleet in the future.

    Many Thanks

    Rear Admiral Oliver Ford
    Fleet Ambassador
    3rd Fleet.

    Admiral (Retired)
    Team Player

    Pleased to meet you and welcome. Please make yourself at home.


    Greetings 🙂


    Hello 44th Fleet,

    I am hoping to try to arrange a Joint Fleet Event in the near future, would this be something that your fleet would be interested in? If so, who is the best person to speak with or the best area to post in?

    Many Thanks

    Adm. Oliver Ford
    English Division Fleet Ambassador
    3rd Fleet

    Admiral (Retired)
    Team Player

    Sure, we are always open to fleet events. Just post what you had in mind in the Activities forum below.


    I will look into some dates and get back to you soon.

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